Please come and help us for the BRAMPTON BIG TIDY UP on Saturday 18th February 2012. We are organising a litter-pick around the village in order to spruce up the place for the coming Spring and Summer. Meet at 11.00 am at the Brampton Village Hall. We will provide the necessary kit including bags and litter-grabs. The aim is to split up into small groups and to take a pleasant stroll around the highways and byways of the Parish, picking up litter as we go. Should not take nore than 2 hours of your time. If weather looks a bit iffy, please keep an eye on this website just in case we need to re-schedule.

  • FOUND : set of keys

    Keys found

    A small set of keys have been found in or around the Village Hall. It is believed that they may have been lost at the Christmas Party. If you believe these keys are yours please let me know and arrangements will be made for you to b re-united with them. [email protected]

  • Village Hall developments

    A survey is underway to guage village opinion on the future of the hall and whether the existing building should be renovated or re-sited.

    At the same time the Village Hall Management Trust has taken on responsability for the hall from the Parish Council. The Trust is chaired by Fiona Scott and we wish it well in its work.

    There is a decorating day in the hall on January 14th – please feel free to come along and help but if youy can please bring your own decorating tools although paint will be provided.

  • Large Black Cat seen in Brampton

    Over the years there have been various reports of large black cats around the village. There was however a very credible report last summer and another within the first two weeks of January 2012. The animal was seen on or near the railway in broad daylight. We do not make any judgement on the veracity of these sightings but would welcome any further reports.

  • New charity launched

    The Bure Navigation Conservation Trust has been launched to conserve and preserve the River Bure along the route of the now abandoned Aylsham Navigation. This route which passes through Brampton and Oxnead was closed to navigation in 1912 and amongst other things events are planned to celebrate the anniversary. To find out more click here.

  • Glass recycling

    All residents are reminded that the bottle bank for recycling glass is situated in Lower Brampton. This also generates income which supports our village hall.

  • Carol singer’s charity collection 2011

    The Carol Singers collected £215 on Christmas Eve and this has been sent to Quidenham Children’s Hospice (part of East Anglian Children’s Hospices http://www.each.org.uk/) to give some small help to them as they support children and their families with the challenges that having a life-threatening condition can bring.

    Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to donate during the Carol Singer’s tour of the village or at the Church service which followed.

  • Carol singer’s tale for 2011

    Spontaneity is the key with village carol singing. Too much planning would take away the magic in some way. So, in spite of the odd telephone call which is made to ensure that we will not be a choir of just one or two, we leave the rest to Christmas Eve.

    This year was no exception.  By six thirty, eleven us had gathered. After a swift tot of Sloe Gin (very low food miles – as least for the Sloes, you will understand), we set off. This year the weather was milder than it has been.  The stars were out with a beautiful clarity – just as they should be.

    It is important not to peak too early with carol singing. It also seems to be important not to practice. But after a nervy start we hit our stride. We must present a strange sight to the passing traffic on usual march to Oxnead, laden with lanterns, seemingly in the middle of
    nowhere. Across the causeway road and back, the spring remains in our stride and we catch up with the year’s events. Everything discussed , from all perspectives.

    Little did we know, but reinforcements had arrived in the guise of the Chapman family. Old hands at the carolling game, our volume and delivery audibly increased. Perhaps more relaxed now, the residents of Street Farm were generous in their support and then we struck off towards the rest of the village – along the muddy beet strewn road.

    It is the wonder of children that has the greatest effect of carollers. Their palpable excitement and the invasion of their houses and gardens by a singing mob, must leave some sort of memory. We ‘Away in a manger’- ed houses up and down the street. We hit our peak (to our ears anyway), somewhere near John Frye’s house, or perhaps a little bit further on. Wine was mulled and the village club was welcoming – the acoustics within being surprisingly good. We felt something like a Brampton “Flash mob” as we regaled
    them with our new found confidence. As ever the Humphrey’s were “treated” to “While
    Shepherds watched”, for very obvious reasons, and the Hylton’s received the same
    to our second tune (“on Ilkley Moor..bah’t’at). Hospitality was great from all angles, with John Frye’s Italian Wine from jerry cans, and superb mulled wine from both Helen and Geoff and from Linda and Andrew amongst others.

    Then to finish things off, a short carol Singer’s Service at the Church. Clustered in the chancel, we sang again and listened to some Christmas poetry readings, to bring the evening to a contemplative end. Now we wait for the count by Katy to see how much money was raised for Quidenham Hospice from the generous villagers. As for next year? Well we don’t plan, spontaneity is the key. The carolling tradition will roll on, depending upon who turns up,
    that is…

  • Christmas Eve Carols in Brampton

    Christmas Eve – The Brampton Carol Singers will be starting their tour of the village tonight at 6.15pm. Meet outside Beech Cottage. They will be singing carols around the village and collecting in aid of Quidenham Children’s Hospice. This year they will be finishing their tour with a short service of carols and poetry readings at Brampton Church at 10pm -please come along, everybody is welcome. Also,  if you would like to join us on our tour from 6.15 pm – we are always looking for new vocal talent!

  • Award Commendation for Brampton Artist

    Katy Armes of Brampton was singled out to receive a special individual commendation from the biennial Art in a Religious Context award which was given in London just over two weeks ago from the charity Art & Christian Enquiry.

    This was for her work “NoThing” at St John the Baptist Church at Hellington (which is a Church managed by the Churches Conservation Trust and is located just off the Loddon Road from Norwich at Hellington Corner).

    This was a notable commendation as she was facing stiff competition from works such as:

    Anthony Gormley’s  human form work “Transport” at Canterbury Cathedral

    Tom Denny’s new stained glass “Transfiguration” window at Durham Cathedral

    Amongst others including the winners which were Two commemorative stained glass windows “Contrary Rhythm” and “Untitled” (Intimations of frost) for St John’s
    church, Healey, in Northumberland

    Katy’s work can be seen online at http://www.katyarmes.com/#/nothing-hellington-church/4553709480

    But really should be seen at the Church which has a local keyholder. In particular
    look at the many comments that it has generated from visitors. Katy deserves all of our congratulations for the spendour of her achievment and for the thoughtfulness of her artwork.

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