When is a Roundabout not a Roundabout?

Ans: When it’s a triangle

I refer of course to the triangle of land on which the village sign sits. There have been a number of very near misses with vehicles here cutting through to the right hand side enroute from the village to Buxton. The trouble is that it is completely blind and vehicles using this slip tend to do so in each direction at some speed. I think that a serious accident is only a matter of time. We must remember that school children wait here when its term time and there’s often horses and ramblers as well. Ironically it is safer at night as the oncoming lights can be seen but this wouldn’t save a child or a horse.

I have taken to treating this triangle as a roundabout by keeping to the left of it in each direction. I would like to see others doing the same thing …… what do you think?


The triangular roundabout? Copyright Stu Wilson





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