• Parking on The Street, Brampton

    At a recent Parish Council meeting we discussed the issue of vehicles parked on narrow parts of The Street, Brampton, particularly near to the junction of Back Lane. This parking causes other vehicles trying to get by over further than they should go and, in turn, this damages banking and the road edges.

    We understand that many people live in properties with parking space for only one vehicle when they have more than one car out of necessity. We also accept that there are no legal restrictions and do not believe that they would be helpful. However with the inevitable growth of larger vehicle traffic through the village led by supermarket delivery vans and courier services we do accept that the situation is worsening and that will continue. We have tried to find parking space in Upper Brampton but residents will be aware that there is nowhere available. In order to minimise damage we ask two things. Firstly that all vehicles should be parked with great care and sensitivity. Secondly, if there is an option between a larger and smaller vehicle it is the smaller one that should be parked on the road.

    Please also note that on a date not yet notified but said to be in May 2016 The Street is to be resurfaced and residents WILL have to make alternate arrangements then. We will give as much notice as we can.

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